The first wheel. The printing press. The Industrial Revolution. Waterloo. Anything Edison invented. V-E day. JFK Assassinated. 9/11. Chat GPT-4o.
Name any event in history, and they pale when placed alongside the day of Pentecost. Yes, people and ideas and inventions can have an ongoing influence, and even wonderfully reshape and free cultures. So why does the day that the Holy Spirit was “democratized” stand out as the Mount Everest of all the other mountain peaks?
Well for one, it meant that the Holy Spirit now dwelt in individuals, making His home in our hearts. Jesus’ promise that he would never leave us or forsake us became a stunning reality.
Secondly, Acts 2 tells us that the gospel was heard in multiple tongues that amazing day, meaning that the good news of Christ’s death and resurrection was not limited to the Jews only, but destined for the entire world.
Thirdly, a new power was available to the believer – power to overcome the evil one in ourselves, and outwardly as we encounter the world. Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world. 1 JOHN 4:4
Fourthly, the Spirit began aggressively to prove to the world that there are such things as sin and righteousness and day of coming judgment. The world could now be held accountable. John 16:8
Fifthly, Pentecost hailed the beginning of the end times. How exciting is that? Yes, it’s been 2000 years, but our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. “Remember,” Peter says, that “with the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3
Pray for Rob Lister as he prepares to pull us into that significant event, finding truth that keeps us running the life of faith well. Walt Harrah will be leading the sung worship portion. May the entire service lift our hearts to love our gracious God, who has given us His Spirit without limit. John 3:34
Pentecost by Songs of Grace
At creation’s primal birth
You were hovering o’er the earth
Darkness fled as day began
Life was formed at your command
Down into our present age
You’ve determined every stage
Though this world reveres the night
You promote the one True Light
Seeking humble hearts to fill
Come restore what now is loss
Spirit, God of Pentecost
Strengthen now what still remains
Fortify our love that wains
From our slumber now revive
Till we really truly live
Spirit come in pow’r again
As we face the coming storm
Signs and wonders now perform
Though the Father’s love is great
Warn the world the time is late
Spirit keep us, hold us fast
Till we’re with the Lord at last
The post May 19, 2024 appeared first on Grace Evangelical Free Church.